1) Which state is the first to officially partner with drag kings and queens as pollworkers and voter advocates?

Answer: California (

2) What is the date of the Election this year (but if you can vote BEFORE this date you absolutely should!!)?

Answer: Nov 3

Bonus question: How many ballots did California have to disqualify in the March primary because they didn’t arrive on time?

Answer: 100,000 (yeah when we say vote early, we mean HELLA early. Don’t miss the deadline due to mail delays!)

3) In ancient Athens, the world’s first democracy, they had a process called ostracism, where once a year the people could vote on the politician they thought was most destructive to the democratic process. The “winner” was banished from Athens for how many years?

Answer: 10

4) What is the first and only state in the US that automatically registers it’s citizens to vote?

Answer: Oregon

5) Both Abraham Lincoln and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez were ____ before they were politicians. 

Answer: Bartenders 


1) In 2018 Katie Fahey posted on Facebook that she was sick of government corruption in Wisconsin and wanted to do something about it. A first time activist, she organized her community and pulled off a crazy victory - making partisan ____ illegal. This practice is when politicians redraw district lines to ensure electoral victories even when they don’t win the popular vote, as Republicans have been doing strategically since 2010. 

Answer: Gerrymandering

2) This type of organizing has proven to be incredibly effective in pulling off electoral victories against all odds. It’s the practice of talking to people you know personally to help them take action. Key progressive wins in the 2020 primaries were credited to people contacting their friends and family to make sure they have everything they need to cast a successful vote. What is this type of organizing called?

Answer: Relational organizing 

3) In 2018, this Georgia gubernatorial candidate lost the election by a slim margin, due to voter suppression tactics led by Governor Brian Kemp. Instead of running for office again, she decided to create a national grassroots voter protection organization to make sure others don’t experience the same fate. The name of her org is Fair fight 2020. What is her name?

Answer: Stacey Abrams 

4) In 2018, youth activists famously sat-in Nancy Pelosi’s office demanding that she support a national plan that will address the climate crisis and create quality jobs rooted in anti-racism. 1 year later, AOC & Ed Markey introduced this plan as a resolution on the house floor. Less than a year later, Joe Biden incorporated many elements of this plan into his policy agenda. What is the name of this plan?

Answer: Green New Deal / Thrive agenda

5) There is an extremely important role that ensures elections run smoothly. It requires volunteers to be onsite at polling locations to facilitate the voting process. This year, states are worried there will be a national shortage of these volunteers because of COVID - since many of these volunteers are typically over 65 and at high risk of infection. Without enough of them, we’ll have long lines and long waits on for voters. What is the name of this role? 

Answer: Pollworkers*

*if you want to help save the election, sign up to be a poll worker at - in many states it’s a paid gig!